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Hang Gliding With The GoPro 3D

All shot with the GoPro 3D Hero as a little bonus footage for Dreaming Awake – Follow me on twitter @designbydave

Parafly Sim 3D paragliding simulator some hard testing

I thought it might be fun to show a typical “testing” routine I keep doing. In the video I try to do some hard control tests to see how the paraglider reacts. As you notice there is still some work to do, nevertherless im quite happy with how the flight model is coming along. For… Read more »

3D paraglide Ballard Down Dorset

First flight of 2013 quick top to bottom at Ballard Down, Dorset. Filmed with 2 x Sony Action Cams, Side by side 3D video, Nvidia 3D vision

Ulusky Paragliding 3D

Enjoy this Video using Red Blue 3D Glases

Paragliding 3D HD Stereoscopic Video

3D Video: Paragliding in the alps. With 3D glasses, for example red-cyan, you have an amazing 3D effect. If you like the video please subscribe to my youtube channel. Thanks. 3D Video: Gleitschirmfliegen am Buchenberg in der Nähe vom Tegelberg (Füssen, Neuschwanstein). Mit einer 3D Brille, beispielsweise rot-cyan ist der 3D Effekt super! Wenn Euch… Read more »

360 Paragliding with Binaural Sound

360 paragliding shot at Pyeong-Chang, where 2018 Winter Olympic Games will be held. Use headphones to experience the immersive 3D sound. Watch this video with a VR headset like NOON VR (

Gleitschirm 360 Grad vr

Paragliding flight in Interlaken VR 360 degree

THIS IS A 360 DEGREE VIDEO YOU CAN TURN THE VIEW WITH THE MOUSE OR BY MOVING YOUR SMART-PHONE The flight is from Howald to Interlaken in Switzerland, filmed with a 360 degree camera (Elecam 360). Please support this videos: Filmed by: Music: ALBIS “Jucy” U.K. Trio “One shot”


This is a 360 video from paragliding in the canary islands. watch the full vlog from the day here… You can experience this 360 video using the youtube app, try and select the highest resolution. Then move you phone around to experience the magic of 360 video! let me know what you guys think… Read more »

In Alpinists’ Heaven

In Alpinists’ Heaven advanceparagliders Am 16.11.2018 veröffentlicht More than 1,500 kilometres distance, bivoucs at higher than 6,000 metres, in between a dash of extreme mountaineering: this six week Karakoram vol-biv adventure of Damien Lacaze and Antoine Girard is extreme in anybody’s book. Quelle: