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Trick of the week: #9 Dynamic Full Stall

Am 26.09.2013 veröffentlicht The Dynamic Full Stall is a really impressive trick, where the pilot create a lot of energy, for example from a looping, and during the climbing breaks progressively the glider to finish on a full stall on the highest point, falling on the back. Kategorie Sport

How I Learned To Reverse Launch.

Jesse Kent Am 03.05.2017 veröffentlicht The paragliding reverse launch or take off is an essential skill for every pilot to learn and master. Every pilot should learn how to reverse launch safely and effectively as soon as possible. I knew my reverse launch technique wasn’t that good, but I didn’t realize how bad and dangerous… Read more »

Twisted training

paltakats Am 01.08.2018 veröffentlicht Since the last tricks I invented and my retirement from the competition acro scene I’ve been watching the pros for the last 7 years keeping up the evolution flying twisted and coming up with new moves. Since I am not training so much I never felt motivated to get into it… Read more »

The Free Flying Experience / A movie about Paragliding

Ce film parle de l’aventure en parapente que nous avons vécu grâce à l’équipe d’Adrénaline sur les hauteurs du Lac d’Annecy. Ce n’est pas un film promotionnel pour Adrénaline Parapente ou la marque de voiles Sup’Air, il a été réalisé de manière totalement bénévole pour le plaisir de tous et dont l’unique but est de… Read more »

Paragliding – Reverse launch and B-Stall

Sébastien Robyr Am 31.08.2011 veröffentlicht First reverse inflation at Sonchaux, with nice B-Stalls for training. This is the menu of my 50th flight! Kategorie Wissenschaft & Technik

Paragliding Reserve Chute Deployment Training

Trevor Perraton Am 10.03.2009 veröffentlicht 2009 Muller Windsports reserve clinic. Training on deploying your emergency reserve parachute in a controlled environment. Kategorie Bildung

The best tandem flight ever in Canoa Quebrada, Brasil with Zazinha and Carpi

Carpi Christopher   Zazinha’s performances under an Xpress2 37m2 from Flying Planet.

HOW TO WINCH PARAGLIDERS part 1 – paragliding xc – paragliding lessons

Paragliding – Clive Am 18.05.2014 veröffentlicht Winching is a safe and effective way of getting paragliders in the sky. It is important to have well trained drivers. Paragliding becomes even better and safer when the drivers are experienced and know what to do. They must understand glider dynamics and winching. In this first video, I… Read more »

Dynamik Fullstall Fail

Am 04.04.2013 veröffentlicht this will happen if you dont give your dynamik free! i just pullt really a lot to hard! and made a backflip! Glider is a AirG Emilie 17 Kategorie Sport

Tips and Tricks for Tandem Pilots

Muhammad Shoaib Mushtaq Am 14.05.2016 veröffentlicht Ozone paragliders Kategorie Menschen & Blogs