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08 : 02
Théo de Blic’s Tutorials S02E01 : FULL STALL

Am 20.09.2016 veröffentlicht Théo de Blic’s tutorials is a webserie where I am giving a few of the useful tips I have learnt in my professionnal career. In today’s episode I will be back to basics and explaining how to perform Full Stalls with my Freestyle 3 20sqm from Stay tuned for next week’s… Read more »

02 : 41
Dynamik Fullstall Fail

Am 04.04.2013 veröffentlicht this will happen if you dont give your dynamik free! i just pullt really a lot to hard! and made a backflip! Glider is a AirG Emilie 17 Kategorie Sport

01 : 13
Trick of the week: #9 Dynamic Full Stall

Am 26.09.2013 veröffentlicht The Dynamic Full Stall is a really impressive trick, where the pilot create a lot of energy, for example from a looping, and during the climbing breaks progressively the glider to finish on a full stall on the highest point, falling on the back. Kategorie Sport

09 : 13
Misty Landing/ Ground Helico (Paragliding Tutorial) | Max Martini

Am 04.06.2017 veröffentlicht †Jesus Christ is King† Just a short rambling about things, share your experieces to complete the information! This was an improvisation and not scripted at all, I hope it´s understandable and that didn´t talk too much nonsense! Let me know how you progressed! » »Instagram @Max.ini Wings: U-turn RedOut 19 and Speedmaster2… Read more »

02 : 20
Perfect Paragliding Landing

Am 02.06.2014 veröffentlicht Anais’ perfect landing in the queue for pilots to get towed up again. Pennsylvania Paragliding took a chance taking on such a young student but quickly saw Ana’s potential and determination. She’s a natural in the air. Kategorie Tiere

16 : 25
Dream Lines IV – Wingsuit proximity by Ludovic Woerth & Jokke Sommer

Am 25.01.2013 veröffentlicht Please like my page to follow my films:… Dream Lines IV is a film that presents some of the top flyers in the sport of wingsuit proximity flying. Dream Lines is a collection of the best lines from 2012. Flying undiscovered lines in France and Switzerland. Edit: Jokke Sommer Additional edit… Read more »

05 : 38
03 : 54
wing over

09 : 15
Inversions a.k.a. WIng Overs (Tutorial) + Beginner Analysis | Max Martini

Just sharing some ideas… my wingovers are by far not perfect, please share your experience! †Jesus Christ is King† » »Instagram @Max.ini Wings: U-turn RedOut 19 and Speedmaster2 Rocket (12 m2) Harness: Supair Acro3, U-turn Spirit Camera: Gopro Hero 5, Canon T5i 18-55mm and 55-250 kit lenses Business »